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We offer a variety of services ranging from individual one on one therapy to group workshops, business consulting and corporate workshop packages. 
Personalized therapy with a licensed mental health counselor designed to meet your individual needs.
Individual Therapy
Reimagine Recovery offers one on one therapy services with a licensed mental health therapist.  We specialize in counseling individuals experiencing mental health challenges related to anxiety, obsessive thinking, compulsive behavior,  post traumatic stress, grief, , difficult life circumstances, trauma recovery, and relational issues. We will work with you to identify areas in your life you are looking to improve, and will provide you with concrete strategies that you can implement to begin or enhance your recovery journey. We provide integrative treatment through incorporating skills and techniques from a variety of therapeutic modalities in line with your specific goals, strengths, and barriers. We provide tele-health services, as well as environment based in person services. We provide services on a sliding scale basis. 
Group Workshops
Group Workshops
Creative group workshops customized and tailored to target your specific recovery goals .
Therapeutic and self improvement group workshops can be customized to provide focused therapy services for specific mental health issues (i.e. anxiety, trauma recovery, grief, etc.) or to provide a more generalized approach to maximizing recovery. Regardless of which modality you use, the Reimagine Recovery workshop will be designed to integrate creative approaches with traditional therapeutic interventions. An example of a Reimagine Recovery group workshop is our "Transcending Trauma" workshop and our "Creative Coping Through Music" workshop. Our therapeutic group workshops require a minimum of 3 attendees. The time frame of the group workshops can be customized based on your needs and preferences. In addition to our therapeutic group workshops, we offer staff development, leadership, and team building workshops which you can learn more about in the business consulting section.
Business Consulting
Individualized support for strategic planning, regulatory compliance, and staff/leadership development.
We offer group workshops tailored to meet your buisness or organization's specific needs. Our group workshop services can be customized for front line employees, management teams, and executive teams.  An example of one of our buisness/organization management level workshops is the "Creativity in Leadership: Standing on the Shoudlers of Giants" workshop. In addition to group workshops, we provide business consulting services around strategic planning in which we take a look at your current systems/processes and assist you with identifying opportunities for operational, programmatic, staffing, leadership or financial improvements in accordance with your specific needs, goals, regulations, fiscal obligations, values, and vision.
Business Consulting

Schedule a Consultation

Linda Levina, LMHC




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